My Story
Bobby is a passionate, charismatic, and compassionate healer whose soul purpose is to integrate science and spirituality to detox the world and eradicate mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual disease from the consciousness of humanity.
His firmly built foundation in holistic health & wellness began at the University of Arizona as an undergraduate studying the effects of nutrition on human physiology. He then pursued and completed his medical degree (MD) at the University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine where he studied the link between cancer and obesity and integrated nutrition education into the medical curriculum. After beginning a Pathology residency training program at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, he experienced a spiritual awakening that forced him to question everything about the nature of his individual and our collective reality. Through a series of tumultuous experiences, he relived every trauma incurred during his current and prior incarnations. He cycled through numerous health issues and western medical institutions and experienced firsthand the limitations of modern healthcare in healing chronic conditioning. Pain and suffering were his greatest teachers in enlightening him to the truth that there is only One, and the root cause of all mental, emotional, and physical disease is spiritual in nature; stemming from a deeply held perception of separation from self. Labels and diagnoses, like trauma, fracture our psyches into conflicting perspectives within ourselves that ultimately manifest into form through dis-ease with self, others, and the environment. The only path to true healing and wholeness is in uniting these aspects to consciously realize that one is already perfect as they are. And that is where his healing journey began.
He left western medicine to delve into the darkest aspects of humanity through deep meditation, introspection, and research to better understand his and humanity’s suffering. Through this process of knowing himself, he developed the tools and insight necessary to remove all medication and eradicate every disease that manifested in him, with him, and through him. His experiential discovery led him to create Apeiron Eros Wellness Academy where he integrates the ancient spiritual wisdom of energy medicine and cutting edge scientific research to support the unification, expansion, and deep healing on the individual, familial, corporate, national, global, galactic, universal, and cosmic level.
Bobby intimately understands that one can only know and love another to the depth that one knows and loves oneself. His ability to deeply listen comes from years of practice developing the intuitive ability to listen to the voice of truth within himself. This allows him to hear what is not being said to shine a light on limiting beliefs and subtle tendencies responsible for one’s manifestation of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual suffering. He then assists you in developing a unique plan of action regarding all facets of life to evolve into the best version of yourself and create the reality that aligns with your sacred heart. Many people come to him thinking they are caterpillars, yet his skills and authentic expression of divine unconditional love generate the chrysalis necessary for one to find their wings.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities to expand! Reach out to see what we can create together 🧡